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10 Habits of People with Glowing Skin

A lot of these go without saying, but sometimes we just need a reminder :)

  1. They don't sleep in makeup: I put this one first because when you're exhausted from a long day, it's easy to skip skincare altogether and go straight to bed. But try your best to do even just a quick wash of your face before hitting the hay. Don't give congested skin and breakouts a chance to sneak up on you.

  2. They hydrate: this means drinking enough water throughout the day, AND using a moisturizer to help lock in your skin's natural moisture and protect the skin barrier. Avoid caffeinated drinks that act as a diuretic and cause you to be more dehydrated.

  3. They get enough sleep: the term "enough" does vary from one person to another. But on the average, healthy adults normally need around 7 to 8 hours of restful sleep per night to feel well and function optimally. Our skin always appreciates getting enough sleep! After all, during sleep our skin goes through its natural cycles of repair and skin cell turnover. This is therefore crucial and without it, skin can appear dull.

  4. They wear SPF daily: It's our friend, sunscreen again! Yes, we do need to apply it daily to help prevent both skin cancers and premature aging of the skin. Choose a mineral-based sunscreen (containing zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, or both). Reapply throughout the day when skin is exposed.

  5. They use clean pillowcases, towels, and wash makeup brushes regularly. All of these are good habits that help prevent the transfer of bacteria, oil, mold, and haircare product residues to our faces. You don't need to spend a ton of money on fancy makeup brush washes unless you want to. I stick with baby shampoo which does the trick and is easy on the wallet.

  6. They eat a colorful diet: Eating a colorful diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats (including avocado, olive oil, and coconut oil, nuts, and wild-caught fish) will help ensure you're getting all the nutrients your skin needs to stay healthy and turn over new skin cells normally. A diet rich in antioxidants (which help protect against damage from free radicals) can have many beneficial effects on our health, including more youthful appearing skin.

  7. They exercise: You don't have to join Cross-fit to get the benefits of regular exercise for your skin. All kinds of movement help us to increases our cardiac output, which in turn leads to improved blood flow to all of our organs, including the skin. This helps the skin improve its lymphatic drainage, allowing for less congestion, and respond to any inflammation, if present, to help bring it down.

  8. They manage stress and set aside time for self-care: It's a well known fact- stress really ages us. Chronically high stress levels causes our cortisol levels to go up, which can affect not only how our bodies feel, but also how our other hormones respond. Over time, this can be very damaging to our health, and our skin. Learning to not over-schedule myself was a skill I didn't really master until my late 30's, but it's been super helpful to allow me time I need to "unplug", breathe, and regroup. Make sure to give this time to yourself on a regular basis.

  9. They don't smoke: we know this is not a healthy habit, but it also contributes to premature skin aging and dull "grey caste" skin. Talk to your doctor if you need help kicking the habit, as there are many resources that can help you to do it.

  10. They don't overindulge in alcohol: We've all been there... the holiday party that was a little too much of a party. It's ok to be social and enjoy a cocktail or glass of wine. Just make sure you hydrate at the same time. Alcohol, like caffeine, acts as a diuretic and causes us to lose water. So try to stick with the 1:1 rule when partaking- that's one glass of water per drink. Your skin and your body will thank you! :)

Love your skin and it will love you back!

All the best,

Dr. B

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