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#MondayMotivation: Set your Intentions for the day & adopt some healthy morning rituals

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

Most of us dread Monday mornings, when the alarm clock goes off and we wish we could hide under the covers for a little bit longer. I've never been a "morning person" so I've had to put some extra effort towards making my mornings better. There really seems to be something to the old saying about "starting off on the wrong foot". I've come to realize that I have more control over how my day will be than I had previously thought.

Since I typically wake up super early for work when I'm working in the hospital or surgery center, I try to be efficient with my morning routine. However, I've realized that the time I spend having my coffee & getting ready is some of the most peaceful and quiet time I'll have until I'm done with the work day. I relish the coffee time, and use it to catch up on a few emails without being interrupted.

One thing I've found very helpful is to start the day with something that makes me feel happy. It really does set the mood for the day. Whether that's enjoying a great locally roasted coffee or listening to uplifting music or a podcast while I'm preparing for work, it makes a difference. Since I'm pretty obsessed with skin care and makeup, I allow myself the time in the morning to put on makeup and feel "put together". Not everyone loves makeup, and I get that. It's just a morning ritual for me that I enjoy doing and while I'm doing it, I'll listen to a podcast or take a language lesson (I love #Pimsleur language courses! Available as MP3 files to download on your mobile). This is my morning ritual which puts me in a good mood, so that as soon as I start getting calls and messages from work, I handle them in a more calm and friendly tone (coffee helps here too!).

I think giving yourself some "me time" every day is so important to help you lift your mood, and feel good about the day ahead. Whatever that means to you, I would encourage you to schedule it. Whether it's in the morning, or later in the day, you need to have some protected time. Sometimes it might mean attending a yoga class and turning off your phone for an hour. Or going for a walk with your dog. Or just making time in the morning for some meditation. There are lots of good apps available now to guide you on a meditation session. If you find yourself being eternally overscheduled, your stress level is probably higher than you'd like. And we know that stress can worsen chronic medical conditions or possibly contribute to the development of new conditions. Make a point to be comfortable with saying no to people if you're faced with cancelling your time for yourself. You don't have to explain. You can say, "thanks so much for the invite, but I have a prior obligation". Easy enough.

What are your morning rituals? How do you start your day off feeling good and motivated? I'd love to hear about your favorite rituals and what helps keep you ready to take on your day. :)


Dr. B

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