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#selfcaresunday: 5 Beauty Hacks to One-Up Your Skincare Routine

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

When I was younger, Sundays were often spent lamenting the activities of my previous evening... (ok, we all had the occasional overindulgent Saturday evening in our 20's, right?). ;) However, now I cherish my Sundays and use them as a day to reset, relax, and prepare for the week ahead. I've made it a habit to do some things that help me stay on top of my skincare game, while pampering myself at the same time. Here are some ideas for your next relaxing #selfcaresunday:

  1. Wash your makeup brushes: If you wear makeup, you probably have a collection of brushes and other accessories. With each use, these accumulate makeup residue, oil, and bacteria, which in turn lands on your face and can contribute to breakouts and skin irritation. Washing them once per week is a great habit, and will save you from turmoil later. I used to spend quite a lot on fancy brush cleaner solutions. But lately when I'm home I tend to use a gentle soapy cleaner like plain old school baby shampoo. It works great and costs way less than some of the pricey "brush baths" on the market. When I'm traveling, I try not to carry a lot of liquids since they can spill in your luggage. In this case I love to bring along a solid makeup brush cleaner that is compact. My go-to is the #beautyblender blendercleanser® solid, which is available in 3 varieties (Lavender, Charcoal, and unscented). It lasts quite a while, is vegan, and free from parabens and phthalates.

  2. Wash/change your pillowcases: Just like makeup brushes can accumulate oils and bacteria, so can your bed linens. Especially if you use styling products on your hair, the residue will stay on the pillowcase and can contribute to breakouts. If you already suffer from acne, you may want to invest in a few extra pillowcases so you can change them out more regularly.

  3. Throw away old expired makeup and other skincare products: are you noticing a recurring theme here? Yup, bacteria. What's important to know is that both makeup and skincare products have a defined shelf life, after which it's best to toss them and start fresh. Makeup like eyeliners, mascara, and lipstick serve as a breeding ground for bacteria (part of the reason we don't share these items with our pals). Skincare products, in particular sunscreens, have an expiration date which typically is displayed on the container. One reason for this is that some of these can break down over time and be less effective. Another reason is that the preservatives used in skincare products don't last forever, so the product itself will be more likely to get contaminated (with bacteria and mold) or lose its effectiveness if it contains active ingredients that also expire.

  4. Indulge in some antioxidant-rich foods: Antioxidants are considered to be "anti-aging" nutrients because they help our bodies remove free radicals, which can cause cell damage and contribute to the aging process. Free radicals may also be contributors to disease states such as cognitive decline and possibly some cancers. To help you maintain healthy, youthful, glowing skin, choose your favs that are in-season. Some examples of antioxidant-rich foods include: blueberries, cherries, artichokes, kale, broccoli, strawberries, raspberries, avocado, red kidney beans, carrots, spinach, and pecans. Bon Appetit!

  5. Pamper yourself with a #DIY lip scrub: this doesn't really need to be done more than once per week, so Sundays are a good day to do it while you're prepping for the week. Plenty of commercial lip scrubs are available, but since I'm picky about clean ingredients (especially since with lip scrubs there's a not-too-insignificant chance you may unintentionally ingest some of it), I like this DIY Vanilla Coconut Lip Scrub which is super easy to make:

  • 1 teaspoon unrefined coconut oil

  • 2 teaspoons sugar

  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

  1. Mix the sugar, coconut oil, and vanilla extract in a mixing bowl.

  2. Take a small amount and massage it onto your lips for a minute.

  3. Rinse it with warm water.

Coconut oil soothes chapped lips and deeply moisturizes them. Sugar exfoliates dry and dead skin while vanilla extract helps heal sunburns. Oh, did I mention it feels amazing and smells delish?? :)

Wishing you a delightful and relaxing #selfcaresunday :)

In good health,

Dr. B

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