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Stop the Stink! Tips for using antiperspirants & deodorants to decrease body odor this summer

Now that it's officially summer, it´s also officially the season of BO- yep, body odor. But I have a few tips for you to help you stave off the stink.

1.) Know that antiperspirants help reduce sweating and work best when applied at night before bedtime. Deodorants, on the other hand, are mainly perfumed products used to mask odor. Although there are some deodorants that contain ingredients like mandelic acid, which helps cut down odor by decreasing the growth of bacteria in your underarm area. A well-known brand is ¨Lume¨ but there are others that are new and work similarly.

2.) Be aware that products tagged as ¨whole body deodorants¨ should not be applied directly to the genitals (specifically ladies, do not put them inside your labia where they can cause irritation, changes in the pH and disrupt the natural healthy bacterial flora, which can result in problems like bacterial vaginosis -which can actually also cause a fishy odor). Keep these products on skin on the outside only.

3.) BO is caused by the bacteria that like to grow in sweaty areas. You can reduce odor by showering daily, wearing clean clothes that don't have old sweat on them, and washing under your arms with antibacterial cleansers like PanOxyl Foaming wash (which contains 10% benzoyl peroxide) or using a glycolic acid toner on the underarm area (like the one by The Ordinary which is 7% glycolic acid).

4.) Very excessive underarm sweating is a condition known as ¨axillary hyperhydrosis¨ and can improve with a treatment done at the doctor's office. This treatment involves injecting a product containing botulinum toxin (like Botox or Dysport) in the skin of the underarms, to help reduce the activity of the sweat glands. The results are temporary but may last up to 6 months. It's a game changer for those who suffer from excessive underarm sweating.

I hope these tips are helpful! Stay cool and stay hydrated this summer.

All the best,

Dr. B

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